
Project Patron

Project Patron helps young people from children’s homes integrate into society and prepare for independent living. After leaving the children’s home, teenagers are mostly on their own, so it is important for them to know that they have someone to trust and turn to. Patron offers them a valuable one-on-one relationship. That’s why each of them should have their own patron!

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Ašta šmé

Ašta šmé is an association composed of experts in social sciences and artists. The group focuses on cultural diversity, social inequality, and minority groups. As part of their work, several biographical documentary comics have been created. The most notable among them is the series “Uncertain Homes,” which uses comic form to explore the real stories of people who have experienced life in a children’s home and examines the impact of this experience on their future lives.

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Nadání a dovednosti o.p.s.

Nadání a dovednosti o.p.s. is a non-profit organization whose mission is to help children from children’s homes and foster families with their career development and their first steps towards independent living. As part of the educational project “ROZHLED” (Outlook), it has been helping children establish their first contact with the working world for eleven years. Over 1,100 teenagers have successfully participated in “Rozhled” and other projects.

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Vteřina po té

Vteřina po té (A Second Later) is a group composed of people who have experienced institutional care. Their goal is to ensure that the rights of children growing up in institutional care are not just empty words, but the highest value. They strive to strengthen the voice of children and young people in institutional care and act as their “mediator” in relation to the institutions that make decisions about life in institutional facilities.

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Dejme dětem šanci o.p.s.

Dejme dětem šanci (Let’s Give Children a Chance) focuses on helping children and young people from children’s homes on their journey to independence. Their goal is the successful integration of specific individuals into society after leaving the children’s home, through the provision of starter apartments, the creation of a supportive social network, or employment and financial independence. The organization works in cooperation with the management of children’s homes, but their activities always focus on the specific needs of individual children.

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